Saturday, September 11, 2010

How to know the types of dogs

There are over 157 different types of dogs recognized by the American Kennel Club. The following is the list of different types of dogs with pictures to help you identify these animals loyal and affectionate.

Dogs are man's best friend! The statement was a good old time and again by these faithful companions. Just as there are different types of people, there are different types of dogs. Every dog has its own character, such as size, appearance, temperament, health, grooming needs, etc. Each type of dog origin and history of the family. Depending on the needs and expectations of a dog, choose a dog with characteristics that match your needs. This article covers all types of dogs with photos. I divided the list of dogs of different groups on the basis of their race.

Dog breeds are divided into groups based on the reason for each dog was originally developed. American Kennel Club (AKC) recognizes seven groups of breeds of dog. Let me give you a list of types of dogs, with pictures in each group.

Hound Group has hundreds of years to help the man out hunting for food and sport. This group includes different types of dogs, which are different in size and appearance. Some dogs have developed a vision and are known as "dog eye or eyes of dogs." These are the fastest, highest of all ancient races. They use their keen eyesight to locate prey and down to half its speed and agility. Some dogs of this group are called "hounds, these dogs have a deep sense of smell. They have very high physical strength and the use of their fierce determination to hunt. The following table includes several types of dogs with pictures of dog group.

Bloodhound other dogs in this group are Basset Bleu de Gascogne Basset fauve de Bretagne Basset Griffon Vendeen (Grand) Basset Griffon Vendeen (Petit) Cirneco Dell'Etna Grand Bleu de Gascogne Hamiltonstövare Ibiza Hound Norwegian Elkhound, Otterhound, Italiano Hound Saluki, Hound Podengo Portuguese Warren ().

Dogs Working Group
These dogs were bred to assist humans in various projects, such as the protection of persons, cargo, towing trucks, search and rescue, so many dogs that belong to this group are large and powerful. These dogs are intelligent matching of personality and their physical strength. The following list of different types of dogs with pictures, in the Working Group, gives an idea of these dogs.

Other working dogs in this group are Pinscher, German, Russian black terrier.

Utility Group
This is a group of several dogs who are not able to "integrate" other groups of dogs. These different types of dogs were originally bred to help man in his efforts. Over the years, these dogs have become superfluous, and this is not the role of working dogs. Groups in the network is also known as "non-sporting group. The following list of different types of dogs with pictures, the utility group, gives you an idea of these dogs.

Other types of dogs in group performance Canaan Dog, German Spitz (Klein) German Spitz (Mittel), Japanese Akita Inu, Shiba Inu, Japanese, Mexican Hairless and the Tibetan spaniel.

Toy Group
The main attraction of the types of dogs in the toy group is their small size. Different types of dogs in this group have a strong personality and an attractive appearance. These dogs are watchdogs very good and inexpensive hardware requirements. They are small dogs, and despite their delicate appearance are energetic robust. These dogs correctly fit the old adage, "Appearances can be deceptive." The following list of different types of dogs in the toy group, it will be "Shoooooo, sweeeeeeettt!

Terrier Group
Such dogs have their group name "terrier" comes from the Latin word for earth. "These little terriers are strong and can trigger the ground, when hunting for pests. Feitsy are small creatures, full of energy and good enough to bowl over anyone. The following list of types of dogs with pictures, the Terrier group, gives the light of these brave dogs.

Sport Package
Also called the Gundog group, the dogs of this group composed mainly of Spaniels, retrievers, setters, and Pointing Breed Hunting-download. These different types of dogs have been bred to play the game online or download a game hunter is wounded from a gun or arrow. These dogs are loving companions and appear to be for life.

Herding Group
The dogs in the breeding group were using the man hundreds of centuries in the care of his herd of animals. These dogs breeding instinct. The stems of these dogs barking, pushing, choking on the heels of cattle and help guide the group. Also contributing to the protection of animals against predators. They learn quickly and listen to commands.

The following list of different types of dogs are these images that are waiting their turn to be eligible for full recognition in any of the groups of breeds AKC.

via buzzle

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