Saturday, September 4, 2010

Bulldog's Origins

The most distinctive cup in dogdorm, Bulldog also has a special history. Bulldog origin lies in the cruel sport refloat the bull, which was founded in England in the thirteenth century. Dog attack and Madden was entering the bull by it, usually through the nose, and does not release its grip. It was not just for entertainment but also of the opinion that the bull meat tastier if the bull was slaughtered in front of the bait. Some Bulldogs also carries cons bear baiting, only for entertainment. Bulldog Owners of importance to dog cruelty, and above all, courage in the face of so much pain that he is a dog owners frightening tale showing their strength by demonstrating that it is incumbent on the bull, despite torture or destroyed by owner. In 1835, Bull baiting was banned and a new stage in the Bulldog. Some efforts to fight their dogs, but it is not clear Bulldog strong. Now the dog without any reason, the popularity of the race fell. All right, race should disappear, except that it has won so many ardent admirers, who presented to save the Bulldog, the choice of cruelty, while maintaining and often highlighting physical characteristics. They were so successful that Bulldog has become a very sympathetic character, personality is not at all like his "sourmug" might suggest. His character constant loud led to the identification of a national symbol of England, his clownish personality belies a beautiful appearance and Bulldog is a popular pet.
Despite sourmug Bulldog is a nice, funny and nice, one of the most docile dogs and soft. Expresses its willingness to please, even if it retains the stubborn streak. This is very good with children. Most of them are medium sized, friendly to strangers. While some may be aggressive with dogs is strange, it's very good with other animals.
Bulldog appreciates a daily output, but I can not stand the hot and humid. Do not expect a great jogging or walking, distance, or jump from a height. Most Bulldogs can not swim. Most Bulldogs wheeze and snore, and some drool. Goat care is minimal, but facial wrinkles (and folds around the tail) must be cleaned daily.
  • The biggest concern: ventricular septal defect, CHD KCS. stenosis Nares, elongated soft palate, shoulder luxation, internalized tail
  • Minor issues: entropion. ectropion. dislichiasis, CUD, elbow dysplasia, Eye Cherry, dislocation of the patella, demodicosis
  • Occasionally seen: urethral prolapse, vaginal hyperplasia
  • Suggested tests: hip. elbows, knees
  • Durability: 8-12 years
Note: The propensity to skin dermatitis times less than the wrinkles are clean and dry. Unable to tolerate the heat. Special care must be taken when anesthelizing Bulldog. Cesarean delivery is often necessary. Hip radiographs show most of the Bulldogs dysplasia, but few show overt symptoms.
Form and function
Heavy Bulldog is a low-mass body with broad shoulders gives a low center of gravity, an important asset in the fight against large animals. severe head, that circuit must be at least equal height at the withers, offers plenty of connectivity options for strong muscles, jaw wide. Overshot can handle, while providing peace of breathing through the nose. The members are strong, walking, ungainly, dragging, and the fleet is not a race, which needs to run! Coat is clean and bright.

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