Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pets Cats Body Anatomy

Skeleton cat is very similar to humans, there is no shortage of shoulder bone. This allows the free movement of front legs, which can be rotated in any direction.

The man has 206 bones, but the cat has about 290 bones and 517 separate muscles, making it very agile animals, they use more than 500 muscles, leaps, jumps and Sprint.

A cat can jump seven times their height. A cat has 13 ribs in his body. Look at the diagram below the skeleton of a cat.




  • The cat has the largest eyes of other mammals, are always blue, when he was born. Some cats eye color changes with age, but it is well known that a white cat with blue eyes is really deaf. If a white cat has one blue eye, he will be deaf to the ear of the same side as the blue eyes.
  • Cats have a special organ located in the upper part of his mouth, this is called "Jacobson's organ. In addition to the smell by the nose, they can also smell this special authority.
  • a healthy cat has an average body temperature between 38 and 39 degrees Celsius. (100.5 and 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit).
  • Cats have five toes on front paws and four on the hind legs. Some cats are born with 6 or 7 fingers and toes and extra back are called "Polydacti. (Many Polydactl "fingers").
  • Adult cats have a total of 30 teeth - 16 upper teeth and 14 lower teeth. Cats are subject to gum disease. Cats must have your teeth cleaned by a veterinarian or a cat dentist once a year.
  • Cats have a real fur, in which they have both the undercoat and topcoat.
  • sustainability of health, cared for cats is about 20 years or more.
  • Cats have AB blood group, just like humans.
  • Cats can not digest cow's milk. Contrary to popular belief, milk and cats can cause diarrhea. Cats eat grass for their digestive system and get rid of any hairballs.
  • Cats have no eyelashes, but they are the centers have the full eyelid, or nictitating membrane. Cats have a third eyelid, called Haw, "which is rarely seen. If you can see, this may be an indication that your cat is ill. Said that cats are colorblind, but recent studies show that cats can actually red, blue and green.
  • Cats can not sweat because it has no sweat glands. (This is the same for pigs) Cats can have freckles, which can occur anywhere, even in the mouth, they also get age spots due to age.
  • A cat uses its tail to maintain balance. many bones are in the cat's tail.

via animalcorner

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