Saturday, September 11, 2010

how to study the behavior of Basenji dogs

Prized for its hunting prowess, the native of Central Africa, the first specimens were imported from the source of the Nile Gift Basenji pharaohs of ancient Egypt. Racing could not be introduced in England until 1937 and the first litter of puppies Basenji raised to maturity in America in 1941.The Basenji has been registered by the AKC in 1944. In Africa, the natives use it for identification, sampling, and conduct of games on the network. hunting dog Ready, elegant Africa, the Basenji smooth muscle and moves with ease and agility. It is built and slightly wrinkled head and a large curved tail. Basenji is commonly called "dog bark, but when excited, which makes a noise like a yodel.

General Appearance
Handsome and athletic dog, a Basenji is small, and we are happy, lively and intelligent expression. Basenji dog breed is a small breed of dog, but wonderful. Basenji breed characteristics really striking slender body and long legs, a layer more visible short hair. The back is flat, the legs are long, and the furrowed brow is wrinkled, giving the appearance of death. The ears are simple and open to the front and the tail is high and the ball lightly on both sides of the ridge. His eyes are small and almond shaped. Perhaps the most charming Basenjis neighboring district, is the fact that they tend to bark. One of the oldest breeds of dog, Basenjis are even presented on the walls of Egyptian tombs.

Basenji is alert, responsive, energetic and curious. He loves to play and makes a good pet, if it is supported on a regular basis at an early age. He is very intelligent, responds well to training with a strong desire to please. Basenji is known for fastidious habits and full of fun and activity. They often worked with the eyes of hunters, may appear to be independent and aloof, and meet people in his own words. Races are not always suitable for young children, which can irritate, and should be housed with other animals if properly socialized. Basenji can have a dominant sequence and can be handled over time and is therefore better suited to more experienced dog owners. Basenji can be cautious in nature, and even if they can not bark - and - make different sounds, including many yelp.

Basenjis, unlike many other dogs require little grooming other than regular brushing. He spread the love, but they are always the desire of their owner. They wash and groom themselves like cats always lick clean. Unbelievable to some, Basenji does not feel they need so little and bathing. They say many owners of their Basenji bath once every few months if necessary. This breed is little or no hair. They are the ideal dog for someone with allergies. Basenji dogs have sensitive skin, so be careful when using flea shampoo solid.

Health problems, and life expectancy
This species is exposed to a Fanconi syndrome (renal), which must be addressed when I noticed the symptoms. In addition, they are prone to progressive retinal atrophy, intestinal, and eye problems. Basenji life expectancy of nearly thirteen

The level of activity
Basenji dogs need as much exercise as they can. They are very energetic dogs that require more than just a casual walk around the block. They are very playful dogs that need a lot of playing time and practice to give a portion of their energy they seem to possess. If you do not get the exercise they need, they will have a negative, such as chewing and destroying everything you find. Basenji temperament and placement is patient and willing to please, but much more sensitive to children older than younger people. In addition to his energy, love to run and climb a fence and you have very high (at least 6 feet), if you expect to keep your Basenji dogs in. They are very affectionate with their owners, but must have constant attention and human contact. Many owners that their Basenji is like a child two years because of their needs and if you do not understand, they repented through destructive.

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